Amara Janke

Amara Janke is a single mom of two amazing children. She shares two passions, being a mother and living a fit and healthy lifestyle. Certified at the age of 19, she started going to the gym and didn’t have all the knowledge needed so she decided to learn. She started studying nutrition at that time, reading every magazine and book she could about health and fitness, and taking college nutrition courses. Ever since that time, she has lived a healthy lifestyle, going to the gym, lifting weights, running, and eating healthy.

Having found much success, she is able to share her knowledge and expertise with others to help them live healthier lifestyles as well. Living a healthier lifestyle isn’t just about “looking good in a swimsuit”, as it is about being able to chase your kids around, living longer/healthier lives, feeling good about yourself, increasing your energy, and being able to really enjoy life.

Amara went to college and served as a social worker for 5 years, however, in 2009, she quit her job and opened the business Team Crazy Fit. In her business, she offers online and in-person training and meal plans. Opening her company has been one of the best decision she has ever made, since she is able to do what she loves daily and truly help others along the way. She loves to help others and believes that the more you give, the more you will receive.